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It is well-known that various biochemical reactions occur on the implant surface through the osseointegration mechanism. For implant surface, biocompatibility with bone tissue and smooth stimulation of the bone metabolism are required. Superior biocompatibility and stimulation of that achieve the earlier integration and long-term maintenance of bone tissue with placed implants. On the other hand, Prof. Thomas Albrektsson suggested that clinically reliable range of implant surface roughness is Sa: 1.0~2.0 micrometer (named moderately rough surface) and this was approved as a consensus report by EAO in 2009. This leads us to believe that the surface topography including surface roughness is one of the important factors of successful implant clinical cases.

The aim of this study is to evaluate the biochemical behavior on implants which have moderately rough surface with micro topography using osteoblast-like cells.

Material and Methods:
Biochemical behaviors were evaluated by cell attachment, Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity and Calcium content on Ti-disks. Cell attachment: Ti-disks were made of pure Ti (ASTM F67, Grade-4) with moderately rough surface with micro topography. MG63 cells (osteosarcoma cells of human origin) were cultured on Ti-disks for 3 days, and then the Ti-disks were freeze-dried. Afterward, specimens were observed by the Scanning Electron Microscopy. ALP activity and Calcium content: Ti-disks were prepared with 4 conditions (T1: pure-Ti with polished surface, T2: pure-Ti with moderately rough surface with micro topography, T3: Ti-6Al-4V alloy (ASTM F136) with polished surface and T4: Ti-6Al-4V alloy with moderately rough surface with micro topography). MC3T3-E1 cells (osteoblast-like cells of mouse origin) were seeded on Ti-disks and maintained for 6 days in osteogenic medium, and then ALPs were determined by the method of Bessey et al. Calcium contents were measured by Calcium E-test kit (WAKO, Japan), after 21-day differentiation.

Cell attachment: It was observed that MG63 cells were cultured along the several ten micrometer sized macro-pore on moderately rough surface with micro topography. ALP activity: The amounts (with Standard Deviations) of ALP specific activity on the T1, T2, T3, and T4 were 3.1(0.2), 3.4(0.1), 2.9(0.3), 4.4(0.5) U/micro-gDNA, respectively. Calcium contents: The ratio of Calcium contents of the T2/T1 and T4/T3 were 1.23 and 1.29, respectively. On the moderately rough with micro-pored surface regardless of materials, large amounts of ALP activity and Calcium deposition were observed.

Conclusions and clinical implications:
By the evaluation of ALP activity and Calcium deposition on the 4 types of Ti-disks, it was suggested that moderately rough surface with micro topography activates the differentiation of osteoblast and provide superior scaffold for bone formation in the early stage of the osseointegration. These results indicated that the implant with osteoconductive surface leads to preferable healing process for the clinical cases such as immediate loading or early loading techniques.

It is well-known that various biochemical reactions occur on the implant surface through the osseointegration mechanism. For implant surface, biocompatibility with bone tissue and smooth stimulation of the bone metabolism are required. Superior biocompatibility and stimulation of that achieve the earlier integration and long-term maintenance of bone tissue with placed implants. On the other hand, Prof. Thomas Albrektsson suggested that clinically reliable range of implant surface roughness is Sa: 1.0~2.0 micrometer (named moderately rough surface) and this was approved as a consensus report by EAO in 2009. This leads us to believe that the surface topography including surface roughness is one of the important factors of successful implant clinical cases.

The aim of this study is to evaluate the biochemical behavior on implants which have moderately rough surface with micro topography using osteoblast-like cells.

Material and Methods:
Biochemical behaviors were evaluated by cell attachment, Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity and Calcium content on Ti-disks. Cell attachment: Ti-disks were made of pure Ti (ASTM F67, Grade-4) with moderately rough surface with micro topography. MG63 cells (osteosarcoma cells of human origin) were cultured on Ti-disks for 3 days, and then the Ti-disks were freeze-dried. Afterward, specimens were observed by the Scanning Electron Microscopy. ALP activity and Calcium content: Ti-disks were prepared with 4 conditions (T1: pure-Ti with polished surface, T2: pure-Ti with moderately rough surface with micro topography, T3: Ti-6Al-4V alloy (ASTM F136) with polished surface and T4: Ti-6Al-4V alloy with moderately rough surface with micro topography). MC3T3-E1 cells (osteoblast-like cells of mouse origin) were seeded on Ti-disks and maintained for 6 days in osteogenic medium, and then ALPs were determined by the method of Bessey et al. Calcium contents were measured by Calcium E-test kit (WAKO, Japan), after 21-day differentiation.

Cell attachment: It was observed that MG63 cells were cultured along the several ten micrometer sized macro-pore on moderately rough surface with micro topography. ALP activity: The amounts (with Standard Deviations) of ALP specific activity on the T1, T2, T3, and T4 were 3.1(0.2), 3.4(0.1), 2.9(0.3), 4.4(0.5) U/micro-gDNA, respectively. Calcium contents: The ratio of Calcium contents of the T2/T1 and T4/T3 were 1.23 and 1.29, respectively. On the moderately rough with micro-pored surface regardless of materials, large amounts of ALP activity and Calcium deposition were observed.

Conclusions and clinical implications:
By the evaluation of ALP activity and Calcium deposition on the 4 types of Ti-disks, it was suggested that moderately rough surface with micro topography activates the differentiation of osteoblast and provide superior scaffold for bone formation in the early stage of the osseointegration. These results indicated that the implant with osteoconductive surface leads to preferable healing process for the clinical cases such as immediate loading or early loading techniques.

In vitro biochemical evaluations on the implant surface using osteoblast-like cells
Takamitsu Takagi
Takamitsu Takagi
EAO Library. Takagi T. 149506; 204
Takamitsu Takagi
Discussion Forum (0)

It is well-known that various biochemical reactions occur on the implant surface through the osseointegration mechanism. For implant surface, biocompatibility with bone tissue and smooth stimulation of the bone metabolism are required. Superior biocompatibility and stimulation of that achieve the earlier integration and long-term maintenance of bone tissue with placed implants. On the other hand, Prof. Thomas Albrektsson suggested that clinically reliable range of implant surface roughness is Sa: 1.0~2.0 micrometer (named moderately rough surface) and this was approved as a consensus report by EAO in 2009. This leads us to believe that the surface topography including surface roughness is one of the important factors of successful implant clinical cases.

The aim of this study is to evaluate the biochemical behavior on implants which have moderately rough surface with micro topography using osteoblast-like cells.

Material and Methods:
Biochemical behaviors were evaluated by cell attachment, Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity and Calcium content on Ti-disks. Cell attachment: Ti-disks were made of pure Ti (ASTM F67, Grade-4) with moderately rough surface with micro topography. MG63 cells (osteosarcoma cells of human origin) were cultured on Ti-disks for 3 days, and then the Ti-disks were freeze-dried. Afterward, specimens were observed by the Scanning Electron Microscopy. ALP activity and Calcium content: Ti-disks were prepared with 4 conditions (T1: pure-Ti with polished surface, T2: pure-Ti with moderately rough surface with micro topography, T3: Ti-6Al-4V alloy (ASTM F136) with polished surface and T4: Ti-6Al-4V alloy with moderately rough surface with micro topography). MC3T3-E1 cells (osteoblast-like cells of mouse origin) were seeded on Ti-disks and maintained for 6 days in osteogenic medium, and then ALPs were determined by the method of Bessey et al. Calcium contents were measured by Calcium E-test kit (WAKO, Japan), after 21-day differentiation.

Cell attachment: It was observed that MG63 cells were cultured along the several ten micrometer sized macro-pore on moderately rough surface with micro topography. ALP activity: The amounts (with Standard Deviations) of ALP specific activity on the T1, T2, T3, and T4 were 3.1(0.2), 3.4(0.1), 2.9(0.3), 4.4(0.5) U/micro-gDNA, respectively. Calcium contents: The ratio of Calcium contents of the T2/T1 and T4/T3 were 1.23 and 1.29, respectively. On the moderately rough with micro-pored surface regardless of materials, large amounts of ALP activity and Calcium deposition were observed.

Conclusions and clinical implications:
By the evaluation of ALP activity and Calcium deposition on the 4 types of Ti-disks, it was suggested that moderately rough surface with micro topography activates the differentiation of osteoblast and provide superior scaffold for bone formation in the early stage of the osseointegration. These results indicated that the implant with osteoconductive surface leads to preferable healing process for the clinical cases such as immediate loading or early loading techniques.

It is well-known that various biochemical reactions occur on the implant surface through the osseointegration mechanism. For implant surface, biocompatibility with bone tissue and smooth stimulation of the bone metabolism are required. Superior biocompatibility and stimulation of that achieve the earlier integration and long-term maintenance of bone tissue with placed implants. On the other hand, Prof. Thomas Albrektsson suggested that clinically reliable range of implant surface roughness is Sa: 1.0~2.0 micrometer (named moderately rough surface) and this was approved as a consensus report by EAO in 2009. This leads us to believe that the surface topography including surface roughness is one of the important factors of successful implant clinical cases.

The aim of this study is to evaluate the biochemical behavior on implants which have moderately rough surface with micro topography using osteoblast-like cells.

Material and Methods:
Biochemical behaviors were evaluated by cell attachment, Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity and Calcium content on Ti-disks. Cell attachment: Ti-disks were made of pure Ti (ASTM F67, Grade-4) with moderately rough surface with micro topography. MG63 cells (osteosarcoma cells of human origin) were cultured on Ti-disks for 3 days, and then the Ti-disks were freeze-dried. Afterward, specimens were observed by the Scanning Electron Microscopy. ALP activity and Calcium content: Ti-disks were prepared with 4 conditions (T1: pure-Ti with polished surface, T2: pure-Ti with moderately rough surface with micro topography, T3: Ti-6Al-4V alloy (ASTM F136) with polished surface and T4: Ti-6Al-4V alloy with moderately rough surface with micro topography). MC3T3-E1 cells (osteoblast-like cells of mouse origin) were seeded on Ti-disks and maintained for 6 days in osteogenic medium, and then ALPs were determined by the method of Bessey et al. Calcium contents were measured by Calcium E-test kit (WAKO, Japan), after 21-day differentiation.

Cell attachment: It was observed that MG63 cells were cultured along the several ten micrometer sized macro-pore on moderately rough surface with micro topography. ALP activity: The amounts (with Standard Deviations) of ALP specific activity on the T1, T2, T3, and T4 were 3.1(0.2), 3.4(0.1), 2.9(0.3), 4.4(0.5) U/micro-gDNA, respectively. Calcium contents: The ratio of Calcium contents of the T2/T1 and T4/T3 were 1.23 and 1.29, respectively. On the moderately rough with micro-pored surface regardless of materials, large amounts of ALP activity and Calcium deposition were observed.

Conclusions and clinical implications:
By the evaluation of ALP activity and Calcium deposition on the 4 types of Ti-disks, it was suggested that moderately rough surface with micro topography activates the differentiation of osteoblast and provide superior scaffold for bone formation in the early stage of the osseointegration. These results indicated that the implant with osteoconductive surface leads to preferable healing process for the clinical cases such as immediate loading or early loading techniques.

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