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Implant placement using osteotome technique for sinus floor elevation is a widely used and discussed method. Usually, during surgery, a bone condensation procedure is used and grafting material is protruded in the preparation site in order to complete the space between sinus floor and the elevated membrane. There are studies which demonstrate good and predictable results without using bone grafting material. Meanwhile, some studies show a negative influence of the condensation procedure for the bone marrow. It is necessary to appreciate the integration process, endo sinus bone formation and its evolution around implants installed using flapless approach, without condensation and without grafting material.

To evaluate the intra-sinusal bone evolution around implants installed using flapless transcrestal sinus floor elevation, without bone condensation and without grafting material during 3 years follow-up.

Material and Methods:
Eight partially edentulous patients (mean age 40±0,38 years) received 18 two-stage dental implants (sandblasted and acid etched, with diameter 3,75 to 5mm, and 8 to 11,5mm length) in posterior sides of upper jaw. The first surgical step was performed using flapless approach, osteotome technique, without bone condensation and grafting material. All implants were installed in sites with D3 bone density (according to Misch). The subpreparation procedure has been applied in order to achieve an adequate primary stability. No perforation of the sinus membrane has been observed. According to orthopantomogram, implants sides were divided into anterior and posterior ones. Radiographic images were analyzed using Photoshop CS3 Program. The following indices were evaluated: residual bone height, the length of implant penetration into sinus, endo-sinus bone clot height. After a healing time of 6,1±0,38 months, the second stage was performed and prosthetic treatment was initiated after 2-4 weeks. All implants successfully integrated. The intra-sinus bone formation during healing and its evolution for a period of 3 years post-prosthetic were analyzed. Statistical analysis was made by calculating mean values, standard errors, Pearson correlation test.

The residual bone height on anterior and posterior sides consisted 7,73±0,69mm and 6,69±0,50mm. The degree of implant penetration into the sinus were 2,32±0,34mm and 2,76±0,27mm. The bone clot after implant placement were 3,63±0,35mm and 4,08±0,28mm. During healing, a shrink of 0,38±0,17mm and 0,42±0,19mm occurred and an amount of 3,24±0,40mm and 3,65±0,33mm of new formed bone at the 2nd stage was observed. Three years post-prosthetic, the height of intra-sinus bone were: 3,4±0,39mm and 3,69±0,29mm. During this period, around 8 implants from anterior and 11 implants from posterior a shrink of 0,58±0,17mm and 0,57±0,14mm occurred, while the other ones showed a bone apposition of 0,75±0,18mm and 1,0±0,31mm. The endo-sinus bone gain have a strong correlation with implant protruded height, during healing (0,912 and 0,795) as well as at 3 years follow-up (0,87 and 0,68). A correlation with the residual bone were also observed (-0,75 and -0,49 during healing, -0,64 and -0,27 at 3 years).

Conclusions and clinical implications:
The implant placement using transcrestal sinus floor elevation without flap rising, bone condensation or grafting material is a good and predictable method. During 3years follow-up, the endo-sinus new formed bone remodeling manifested by a small shrink just for a part of implants, while other showed an increasing of bone height. Due to this fact, it’s possible to conclude that the bone is adapting and remains stable under loading conditions, and no additional grafting material is needed for it.

Implant placement using osteotome technique for sinus floor elevation is a widely used and discussed method. Usually, during surgery, a bone condensation procedure is used and grafting material is protruded in the preparation site in order to complete the space between sinus floor and the elevated membrane. There are studies which demonstrate good and predictable results without using bone grafting material. Meanwhile, some studies show a negative influence of the condensation procedure for the bone marrow. It is necessary to appreciate the integration process, endo sinus bone formation and its evolution around implants installed using flapless approach, without condensation and without grafting material.

To evaluate the intra-sinusal bone evolution around implants installed using flapless transcrestal sinus floor elevation, without bone condensation and without grafting material during 3 years follow-up.

Material and Methods:
Eight partially edentulous patients (mean age 40±0,38 years) received 18 two-stage dental implants (sandblasted and acid etched, with diameter 3,75 to 5mm, and 8 to 11,5mm length) in posterior sides of upper jaw. The first surgical step was performed using flapless approach, osteotome technique, without bone condensation and grafting material. All implants were installed in sites with D3 bone density (according to Misch). The subpreparation procedure has been applied in order to achieve an adequate primary stability. No perforation of the sinus membrane has been observed. According to orthopantomogram, implants sides were divided into anterior and posterior ones. Radiographic images were analyzed using Photoshop CS3 Program. The following indices were evaluated: residual bone height, the length of implant penetration into sinus, endo-sinus bone clot height. After a healing time of 6,1±0,38 months, the second stage was performed and prosthetic treatment was initiated after 2-4 weeks. All implants successfully integrated. The intra-sinus bone formation during healing and its evolution for a period of 3 years post-prosthetic were analyzed. Statistical analysis was made by calculating mean values, standard errors, Pearson correlation test.

The residual bone height on anterior and posterior sides consisted 7,73±0,69mm and 6,69±0,50mm. The degree of implant penetration into the sinus were 2,32±0,34mm and 2,76±0,27mm. The bone clot after implant placement were 3,63±0,35mm and 4,08±0,28mm. During healing, a shrink of 0,38±0,17mm and 0,42±0,19mm occurred and an amount of 3,24±0,40mm and 3,65±0,33mm of new formed bone at the 2nd stage was observed. Three years post-prosthetic, the height of intra-sinus bone were: 3,4±0,39mm and 3,69±0,29mm. During this period, around 8 implants from anterior and 11 implants from posterior a shrink of 0,58±0,17mm and 0,57±0,14mm occurred, while the other ones showed a bone apposition of 0,75±0,18mm and 1,0±0,31mm. The endo-sinus bone gain have a strong correlation with implant protruded height, during healing (0,912 and 0,795) as well as at 3 years follow-up (0,87 and 0,68). A correlation with the residual bone were also observed (-0,75 and -0,49 during healing, -0,64 and -0,27 at 3 years).

Conclusions and clinical implications:
The implant placement using transcrestal sinus floor elevation without flap rising, bone condensation or grafting material is a good and predictable method. During 3years follow-up, the endo-sinus new formed bone remodeling manifested by a small shrink just for a part of implants, while other showed an increasing of bone height. Due to this fact, it’s possible to conclude that the bone is adapting and remains stable under loading conditions, and no additional grafting material is needed for it.

Intra-sinus bone evolution around implants placed using flapless and graftless transcrestal sinus floor elevation: 3 years follow-up
Valentin Topalo
Valentin Topalo
EAO Library. Topalo V. 149674; 374
Valentin Topalo
Discussion Forum (0)

Implant placement using osteotome technique for sinus floor elevation is a widely used and discussed method. Usually, during surgery, a bone condensation procedure is used and grafting material is protruded in the preparation site in order to complete the space between sinus floor and the elevated membrane. There are studies which demonstrate good and predictable results without using bone grafting material. Meanwhile, some studies show a negative influence of the condensation procedure for the bone marrow. It is necessary to appreciate the integration process, endo sinus bone formation and its evolution around implants installed using flapless approach, without condensation and without grafting material.

To evaluate the intra-sinusal bone evolution around implants installed using flapless transcrestal sinus floor elevation, without bone condensation and without grafting material during 3 years follow-up.

Material and Methods:
Eight partially edentulous patients (mean age 40±0,38 years) received 18 two-stage dental implants (sandblasted and acid etched, with diameter 3,75 to 5mm, and 8 to 11,5mm length) in posterior sides of upper jaw. The first surgical step was performed using flapless approach, osteotome technique, without bone condensation and grafting material. All implants were installed in sites with D3 bone density (according to Misch). The subpreparation procedure has been applied in order to achieve an adequate primary stability. No perforation of the sinus membrane has been observed. According to orthopantomogram, implants sides were divided into anterior and posterior ones. Radiographic images were analyzed using Photoshop CS3 Program. The following indices were evaluated: residual bone height, the length of implant penetration into sinus, endo-sinus bone clot height. After a healing time of 6,1±0,38 months, the second stage was performed and prosthetic treatment was initiated after 2-4 weeks. All implants successfully integrated. The intra-sinus bone formation during healing and its evolution for a period of 3 years post-prosthetic were analyzed. Statistical analysis was made by calculating mean values, standard errors, Pearson correlation test.

The residual bone height on anterior and posterior sides consisted 7,73±0,69mm and 6,69±0,50mm. The degree of implant penetration into the sinus were 2,32±0,34mm and 2,76±0,27mm. The bone clot after implant placement were 3,63±0,35mm and 4,08±0,28mm. During healing, a shrink of 0,38±0,17mm and 0,42±0,19mm occurred and an amount of 3,24±0,40mm and 3,65±0,33mm of new formed bone at the 2nd stage was observed. Three years post-prosthetic, the height of intra-sinus bone were: 3,4±0,39mm and 3,69±0,29mm. During this period, around 8 implants from anterior and 11 implants from posterior a shrink of 0,58±0,17mm and 0,57±0,14mm occurred, while the other ones showed a bone apposition of 0,75±0,18mm and 1,0±0,31mm. The endo-sinus bone gain have a strong correlation with implant protruded height, during healing (0,912 and 0,795) as well as at 3 years follow-up (0,87 and 0,68). A correlation with the residual bone were also observed (-0,75 and -0,49 during healing, -0,64 and -0,27 at 3 years).

Conclusions and clinical implications:
The implant placement using transcrestal sinus floor elevation without flap rising, bone condensation or grafting material is a good and predictable method. During 3years follow-up, the endo-sinus new formed bone remodeling manifested by a small shrink just for a part of implants, while other showed an increasing of bone height. Due to this fact, it’s possible to conclude that the bone is adapting and remains stable under loading conditions, and no additional grafting material is needed for it.

Implant placement using osteotome technique for sinus floor elevation is a widely used and discussed method. Usually, during surgery, a bone condensation procedure is used and grafting material is protruded in the preparation site in order to complete the space between sinus floor and the elevated membrane. There are studies which demonstrate good and predictable results without using bone grafting material. Meanwhile, some studies show a negative influence of the condensation procedure for the bone marrow. It is necessary to appreciate the integration process, endo sinus bone formation and its evolution around implants installed using flapless approach, without condensation and without grafting material.

To evaluate the intra-sinusal bone evolution around implants installed using flapless transcrestal sinus floor elevation, without bone condensation and without grafting material during 3 years follow-up.

Material and Methods:
Eight partially edentulous patients (mean age 40±0,38 years) received 18 two-stage dental implants (sandblasted and acid etched, with diameter 3,75 to 5mm, and 8 to 11,5mm length) in posterior sides of upper jaw. The first surgical step was performed using flapless approach, osteotome technique, without bone condensation and grafting material. All implants were installed in sites with D3 bone density (according to Misch). The subpreparation procedure has been applied in order to achieve an adequate primary stability. No perforation of the sinus membrane has been observed. According to orthopantomogram, implants sides were divided into anterior and posterior ones. Radiographic images were analyzed using Photoshop CS3 Program. The following indices were evaluated: residual bone height, the length of implant penetration into sinus, endo-sinus bone clot height. After a healing time of 6,1±0,38 months, the second stage was performed and prosthetic treatment was initiated after 2-4 weeks. All implants successfully integrated. The intra-sinus bone formation during healing and its evolution for a period of 3 years post-prosthetic were analyzed. Statistical analysis was made by calculating mean values, standard errors, Pearson correlation test.

The residual bone height on anterior and posterior sides consisted 7,73±0,69mm and 6,69±0,50mm. The degree of implant penetration into the sinus were 2,32±0,34mm and 2,76±0,27mm. The bone clot after implant placement were 3,63±0,35mm and 4,08±0,28mm. During healing, a shrink of 0,38±0,17mm and 0,42±0,19mm occurred and an amount of 3,24±0,40mm and 3,65±0,33mm of new formed bone at the 2nd stage was observed. Three years post-prosthetic, the height of intra-sinus bone were: 3,4±0,39mm and 3,69±0,29mm. During this period, around 8 implants from anterior and 11 implants from posterior a shrink of 0,58±0,17mm and 0,57±0,14mm occurred, while the other ones showed a bone apposition of 0,75±0,18mm and 1,0±0,31mm. The endo-sinus bone gain have a strong correlation with implant protruded height, during healing (0,912 and 0,795) as well as at 3 years follow-up (0,87 and 0,68). A correlation with the residual bone were also observed (-0,75 and -0,49 during healing, -0,64 and -0,27 at 3 years).

Conclusions and clinical implications:
The implant placement using transcrestal sinus floor elevation without flap rising, bone condensation or grafting material is a good and predictable method. During 3years follow-up, the endo-sinus new formed bone remodeling manifested by a small shrink just for a part of implants, while other showed an increasing of bone height. Due to this fact, it’s possible to conclude that the bone is adapting and remains stable under loading conditions, and no additional grafting material is needed for it.

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