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Despite long-term success of implant therapy, biological and technical complications do occur with time. Among biological complications, the peri-implant infection is a common clinical finding during follow-up periods. The prevalence of peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis ranged from 19 to 65% and from 1 to 47%, respectively. Various treatment modalities have been proposed for the treatment of peri-implantitis, and they were divided into 2 categories, i.e., non-surgical and surgical approaches. However, non-surgical approach for the peri-implantitis did not appear to be predictable and beneficial clinical outcomes seemed to be limited to a short period. Hence, surgical approaches became a mainstream of peri-implantitis treatment. In contrast to the resective surgical therapy aiming to eliminate infection around the implant, regenerative surgical therapy of peri-implantitis could successfully achieve a varying degree of re-osseointegration at the peri-implant bony defect.

This case report was carried out to evaluate the clinical outcome of surgical regenerative therapy of peri-implantitis with a combination of bone materials and bio-resorbable membrane

Material and Methods:
Two patients who had severe bony destruction around implants were treated with guided bone regeneration using bio-resorbable collagen membrane (Bio-Gide®), autogenous bone and xenograft (Bio-Oss®). At surgery, autogenous bone graft was obtained from the inferior border of the mandible with the use of a trephine, and particulated with a bone mill. Implant surfaces were decontaminated by using calcium phosphate and air powder abrasive treatment. Bony defect around the implant was filled with a combination of particulated autogenous bone and xenograft (Bio-Oss®) and covered with a bio-resorbable collagen membrane (Bio-Gide®). To evaluate the results of surgical regenerative therapy, pre- and post-surgical clinical examination, clinical photographs and standard radiographs were compared.

Healing was unevenful without any surgical complications. Pockets more than 4mm and bleeding on probing around implants were not found at the follow-up examination. Radiographic examination showed a varying degree of bone fill and increased radiopacity at the peri-implant bony defects.

Conclusions and clinical implications:
Although a complete fill of the peri-implant bony defect does not seem to be a predictable outcome, the regenerative surgical approaches appear to be encouraging for the treatment of peri-implantitis.

Despite long-term success of implant therapy, biological and technical complications do occur with time. Among biological complications, the peri-implant infection is a common clinical finding during follow-up periods. The prevalence of peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis ranged from 19 to 65% and from 1 to 47%, respectively. Various treatment modalities have been proposed for the treatment of peri-implantitis, and they were divided into 2 categories, i.e., non-surgical and surgical approaches. However, non-surgical approach for the peri-implantitis did not appear to be predictable and beneficial clinical outcomes seemed to be limited to a short period. Hence, surgical approaches became a mainstream of peri-implantitis treatment. In contrast to the resective surgical therapy aiming to eliminate infection around the implant, regenerative surgical therapy of peri-implantitis could successfully achieve a varying degree of re-osseointegration at the peri-implant bony defect.

This case report was carried out to evaluate the clinical outcome of surgical regenerative therapy of peri-implantitis with a combination of bone materials and bio-resorbable membrane

Material and Methods:
Two patients who had severe bony destruction around implants were treated with guided bone regeneration using bio-resorbable collagen membrane (Bio-Gide®), autogenous bone and xenograft (Bio-Oss®). At surgery, autogenous bone graft was obtained from the inferior border of the mandible with the use of a trephine, and particulated with a bone mill. Implant surfaces were decontaminated by using calcium phosphate and air powder abrasive treatment. Bony defect around the implant was filled with a combination of particulated autogenous bone and xenograft (Bio-Oss®) and covered with a bio-resorbable collagen membrane (Bio-Gide®). To evaluate the results of surgical regenerative therapy, pre- and post-surgical clinical examination, clinical photographs and standard radiographs were compared.

Healing was unevenful without any surgical complications. Pockets more than 4mm and bleeding on probing around implants were not found at the follow-up examination. Radiographic examination showed a varying degree of bone fill and increased radiopacity at the peri-implant bony defects.

Conclusions and clinical implications:
Although a complete fill of the peri-implant bony defect does not seem to be a predictable outcome, the regenerative surgical approaches appear to be encouraging for the treatment of peri-implantitis.

The clinical outcome following surgical regenerative therapy of peri-implantitis
Jun Ho Kang
Jun Ho Kang
EAO Library. Kang J. 09/26/2015; 149370; 578
Jun Ho Kang
Discussion Forum (0)

Despite long-term success of implant therapy, biological and technical complications do occur with time. Among biological complications, the peri-implant infection is a common clinical finding during follow-up periods. The prevalence of peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis ranged from 19 to 65% and from 1 to 47%, respectively. Various treatment modalities have been proposed for the treatment of peri-implantitis, and they were divided into 2 categories, i.e., non-surgical and surgical approaches. However, non-surgical approach for the peri-implantitis did not appear to be predictable and beneficial clinical outcomes seemed to be limited to a short period. Hence, surgical approaches became a mainstream of peri-implantitis treatment. In contrast to the resective surgical therapy aiming to eliminate infection around the implant, regenerative surgical therapy of peri-implantitis could successfully achieve a varying degree of re-osseointegration at the peri-implant bony defect.

This case report was carried out to evaluate the clinical outcome of surgical regenerative therapy of peri-implantitis with a combination of bone materials and bio-resorbable membrane

Material and Methods:
Two patients who had severe bony destruction around implants were treated with guided bone regeneration using bio-resorbable collagen membrane (Bio-Gide®), autogenous bone and xenograft (Bio-Oss®). At surgery, autogenous bone graft was obtained from the inferior border of the mandible with the use of a trephine, and particulated with a bone mill. Implant surfaces were decontaminated by using calcium phosphate and air powder abrasive treatment. Bony defect around the implant was filled with a combination of particulated autogenous bone and xenograft (Bio-Oss®) and covered with a bio-resorbable collagen membrane (Bio-Gide®). To evaluate the results of surgical regenerative therapy, pre- and post-surgical clinical examination, clinical photographs and standard radiographs were compared.

Healing was unevenful without any surgical complications. Pockets more than 4mm and bleeding on probing around implants were not found at the follow-up examination. Radiographic examination showed a varying degree of bone fill and increased radiopacity at the peri-implant bony defects.

Conclusions and clinical implications:
Although a complete fill of the peri-implant bony defect does not seem to be a predictable outcome, the regenerative surgical approaches appear to be encouraging for the treatment of peri-implantitis.

Despite long-term success of implant therapy, biological and technical complications do occur with time. Among biological complications, the peri-implant infection is a common clinical finding during follow-up periods. The prevalence of peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis ranged from 19 to 65% and from 1 to 47%, respectively. Various treatment modalities have been proposed for the treatment of peri-implantitis, and they were divided into 2 categories, i.e., non-surgical and surgical approaches. However, non-surgical approach for the peri-implantitis did not appear to be predictable and beneficial clinical outcomes seemed to be limited to a short period. Hence, surgical approaches became a mainstream of peri-implantitis treatment. In contrast to the resective surgical therapy aiming to eliminate infection around the implant, regenerative surgical therapy of peri-implantitis could successfully achieve a varying degree of re-osseointegration at the peri-implant bony defect.

This case report was carried out to evaluate the clinical outcome of surgical regenerative therapy of peri-implantitis with a combination of bone materials and bio-resorbable membrane

Material and Methods:
Two patients who had severe bony destruction around implants were treated with guided bone regeneration using bio-resorbable collagen membrane (Bio-Gide®), autogenous bone and xenograft (Bio-Oss®). At surgery, autogenous bone graft was obtained from the inferior border of the mandible with the use of a trephine, and particulated with a bone mill. Implant surfaces were decontaminated by using calcium phosphate and air powder abrasive treatment. Bony defect around the implant was filled with a combination of particulated autogenous bone and xenograft (Bio-Oss®) and covered with a bio-resorbable collagen membrane (Bio-Gide®). To evaluate the results of surgical regenerative therapy, pre- and post-surgical clinical examination, clinical photographs and standard radiographs were compared.

Healing was unevenful without any surgical complications. Pockets more than 4mm and bleeding on probing around implants were not found at the follow-up examination. Radiographic examination showed a varying degree of bone fill and increased radiopacity at the peri-implant bony defects.

Conclusions and clinical implications:
Although a complete fill of the peri-implant bony defect does not seem to be a predictable outcome, the regenerative surgical approaches appear to be encouraging for the treatment of peri-implantitis.

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