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Soft tissue recessions frequently cause esthetic disharmony and dissatisfaction. A major concern is the appearance of soft tissue dehiscence in the facial aspect, common finding following implant restorations.

The aim of the case was to evaluate the soft-tissue coverage around single dental implant and patient aesthetic satisfaction 1 year after the final restoration.

Material and Methods:
The patient was a 31-year-old male who visited our clinic with a chief complaint of esthetic dissatisfaction in the exposed implant of the maxillary lateral incisors. There were 4 mm and 2 mm abutment exposure in the buccal mucosa around the implant of the maxillary left and right lateral incisors, respectively. Treatment consisted in: removal of the implant supported crown, coronally advanced flap in combination with connective tissue graft and final restoration.

One-year after surgery, the soft tissue margin was stable and the esthetic appearance of the implant site was well maintained. The soft tissue dehiscence defect coverage was 100%.

Conclusions and clinical implications:
This case report has shown that a bilaminar technique approach may result in improved conditions of the peri-implant soft tissue and the suggested prosthetic-surgical procedure was aesthetically successful.

Soft tissue recessions frequently cause esthetic disharmony and dissatisfaction. A major concern is the appearance of soft tissue dehiscence in the facial aspect, common finding following implant restorations.

The aim of the case was to evaluate the soft-tissue coverage around single dental implant and patient aesthetic satisfaction 1 year after the final restoration.

Material and Methods:
The patient was a 31-year-old male who visited our clinic with a chief complaint of esthetic dissatisfaction in the exposed implant of the maxillary lateral incisors. There were 4 mm and 2 mm abutment exposure in the buccal mucosa around the implant of the maxillary left and right lateral incisors, respectively. Treatment consisted in: removal of the implant supported crown, coronally advanced flap in combination with connective tissue graft and final restoration.

One-year after surgery, the soft tissue margin was stable and the esthetic appearance of the implant site was well maintained. The soft tissue dehiscence defect coverage was 100%.

Conclusions and clinical implications:
This case report has shown that a bilaminar technique approach may result in improved conditions of the peri-implant soft tissue and the suggested prosthetic-surgical procedure was aesthetically successful.

The coverage with a bilaminar technique of soft tissue dehiscence defect around single implant restorations : a case report
Muammer Gozlu
Muammer Gozlu
EAO Library. Gozlu M. 09/26/2015; 149372; 580
Muammer Gozlu
Discussion Forum (0)

Soft tissue recessions frequently cause esthetic disharmony and dissatisfaction. A major concern is the appearance of soft tissue dehiscence in the facial aspect, common finding following implant restorations.

The aim of the case was to evaluate the soft-tissue coverage around single dental implant and patient aesthetic satisfaction 1 year after the final restoration.

Material and Methods:
The patient was a 31-year-old male who visited our clinic with a chief complaint of esthetic dissatisfaction in the exposed implant of the maxillary lateral incisors. There were 4 mm and 2 mm abutment exposure in the buccal mucosa around the implant of the maxillary left and right lateral incisors, respectively. Treatment consisted in: removal of the implant supported crown, coronally advanced flap in combination with connective tissue graft and final restoration.

One-year after surgery, the soft tissue margin was stable and the esthetic appearance of the implant site was well maintained. The soft tissue dehiscence defect coverage was 100%.

Conclusions and clinical implications:
This case report has shown that a bilaminar technique approach may result in improved conditions of the peri-implant soft tissue and the suggested prosthetic-surgical procedure was aesthetically successful.

Soft tissue recessions frequently cause esthetic disharmony and dissatisfaction. A major concern is the appearance of soft tissue dehiscence in the facial aspect, common finding following implant restorations.

The aim of the case was to evaluate the soft-tissue coverage around single dental implant and patient aesthetic satisfaction 1 year after the final restoration.

Material and Methods:
The patient was a 31-year-old male who visited our clinic with a chief complaint of esthetic dissatisfaction in the exposed implant of the maxillary lateral incisors. There were 4 mm and 2 mm abutment exposure in the buccal mucosa around the implant of the maxillary left and right lateral incisors, respectively. Treatment consisted in: removal of the implant supported crown, coronally advanced flap in combination with connective tissue graft and final restoration.

One-year after surgery, the soft tissue margin was stable and the esthetic appearance of the implant site was well maintained. The soft tissue dehiscence defect coverage was 100%.

Conclusions and clinical implications:
This case report has shown that a bilaminar technique approach may result in improved conditions of the peri-implant soft tissue and the suggested prosthetic-surgical procedure was aesthetically successful.

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