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Was carried out the comprehensive cytological, histological and morphometric analyzes of peri-implant structures in patients with normal bone density, osteopenia and osteoporosis. The complex histomorphometric and quantitative histochemical parameters of the peri-implant tissues were observed in patients, which were divided in three groups by means of bone density.

The aim of the work is to study histomorphometric and histochemical properties of bone loss in patients with different bone density, who need treatment using the dental implants

Material and Methods
Patients were divided into 3 main clinical categories: "normal", "osteopenia" and "osteoporosis", based on bone density, which was determined by using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Cytological studies were carried out in 83 patients, among which normal bone mass was observed in 28 patients (17 women and 11 men), osteopenia in 26 patients (17 women and 9 men), osteoporosis in 29 (19 women and 10 men) patients. Histological examination of bone biopsies were performed in 76 patients, among which normal bone mass was observed in 22 (16 women and 6 men , osteopenia in 26 patients (17 women and 9 men), osteoporosis in 28 (19 women and 9 men) patients. The materials for the microscopic studies was biopsy samples of gingiva in direct contact with the implant at a distance of 2.0-5.0 mm from the contact and the bone fragments obtained from drilling the implant bed zone

Bone remodeling intensity (in scores) around the implants was significantly lower (p <0,05) in patients with osteoporosis 1,6±0,09 comparing with patients with normal bone mass of 2,4±0,14. Histomorphometric analysis of the intensity of the restoration of the cortical plate with normal bone mass was 2,1±0,11, with osteopenia was 1,8±0,10 , with osteoporosis was 1,0±0,09 ***. The intensity of the restoration of the cortical bone plate (in scores) was significantly lower (p <0,05) in patients with osteoporosis 1,0±0,09 compared to patients with normal bone mass in 2,1 ± 0,11.

Conclusions and clinical implications
Despite the limitations of the study it can be concluded that the activity of bone remodeling in patients with various bone density is also different. The results of our investigation may serve as a basis for comprehensive morphohistochemical, pathogenetically substantiated correction of regeneration, trophic and functional condition of zone directly surrounding the implant. Further investigations is needed in this area

Was carried out the comprehensive cytological, histological and morphometric analyzes of peri-implant structures in patients with normal bone density, osteopenia and osteoporosis. The complex histomorphometric and quantitative histochemical parameters of the peri-implant tissues were observed in patients, which were divided in three groups by means of bone density.

The aim of the work is to study histomorphometric and histochemical properties of bone loss in patients with different bone density, who need treatment using the dental implants

Material and Methods
Patients were divided into 3 main clinical categories: "normal", "osteopenia" and "osteoporosis", based on bone density, which was determined by using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Cytological studies were carried out in 83 patients, among which normal bone mass was observed in 28 patients (17 women and 11 men), osteopenia in 26 patients (17 women and 9 men), osteoporosis in 29 (19 women and 10 men) patients. Histological examination of bone biopsies were performed in 76 patients, among which normal bone mass was observed in 22 (16 women and 6 men , osteopenia in 26 patients (17 women and 9 men), osteoporosis in 28 (19 women and 9 men) patients. The materials for the microscopic studies was biopsy samples of gingiva in direct contact with the implant at a distance of 2.0-5.0 mm from the contact and the bone fragments obtained from drilling the implant bed zone

Bone remodeling intensity (in scores) around the implants was significantly lower (p <0,05) in patients with osteoporosis 1,6±0,09 comparing with patients with normal bone mass of 2,4±0,14. Histomorphometric analysis of the intensity of the restoration of the cortical plate with normal bone mass was 2,1±0,11, with osteopenia was 1,8±0,10 , with osteoporosis was 1,0±0,09 ***. The intensity of the restoration of the cortical bone plate (in scores) was significantly lower (p <0,05) in patients with osteoporosis 1,0±0,09 compared to patients with normal bone mass in 2,1 ± 0,11.

Conclusions and clinical implications
Despite the limitations of the study it can be concluded that the activity of bone remodeling in patients with various bone density is also different. The results of our investigation may serve as a basis for comprehensive morphohistochemical, pathogenetically substantiated correction of regeneration, trophic and functional condition of zone directly surrounding the implant. Further investigations is needed in this area

Histomorphometric and Quantitative Histochemical Analysis of Peri-implant tissues in Patients with Different Bone Density
Rustam Aghazada
Rustam Aghazada
EAO Library. Aghazada R. 09/29/2016; 164524; PBR203
Rustam Aghazada
Discussion Forum (0)

Was carried out the comprehensive cytological, histological and morphometric analyzes of peri-implant structures in patients with normal bone density, osteopenia and osteoporosis. The complex histomorphometric and quantitative histochemical parameters of the peri-implant tissues were observed in patients, which were divided in three groups by means of bone density.

The aim of the work is to study histomorphometric and histochemical properties of bone loss in patients with different bone density, who need treatment using the dental implants

Material and Methods
Patients were divided into 3 main clinical categories: "normal", "osteopenia" and "osteoporosis", based on bone density, which was determined by using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Cytological studies were carried out in 83 patients, among which normal bone mass was observed in 28 patients (17 women and 11 men), osteopenia in 26 patients (17 women and 9 men), osteoporosis in 29 (19 women and 10 men) patients. Histological examination of bone biopsies were performed in 76 patients, among which normal bone mass was observed in 22 (16 women and 6 men , osteopenia in 26 patients (17 women and 9 men), osteoporosis in 28 (19 women and 9 men) patients. The materials for the microscopic studies was biopsy samples of gingiva in direct contact with the implant at a distance of 2.0-5.0 mm from the contact and the bone fragments obtained from drilling the implant bed zone

Bone remodeling intensity (in scores) around the implants was significantly lower (p <0,05) in patients with osteoporosis 1,6±0,09 comparing with patients with normal bone mass of 2,4±0,14. Histomorphometric analysis of the intensity of the restoration of the cortical plate with normal bone mass was 2,1±0,11, with osteopenia was 1,8±0,10 , with osteoporosis was 1,0±0,09 ***. The intensity of the restoration of the cortical bone plate (in scores) was significantly lower (p <0,05) in patients with osteoporosis 1,0±0,09 compared to patients with normal bone mass in 2,1 ± 0,11.

Conclusions and clinical implications
Despite the limitations of the study it can be concluded that the activity of bone remodeling in patients with various bone density is also different. The results of our investigation may serve as a basis for comprehensive morphohistochemical, pathogenetically substantiated correction of regeneration, trophic and functional condition of zone directly surrounding the implant. Further investigations is needed in this area

Was carried out the comprehensive cytological, histological and morphometric analyzes of peri-implant structures in patients with normal bone density, osteopenia and osteoporosis. The complex histomorphometric and quantitative histochemical parameters of the peri-implant tissues were observed in patients, which were divided in three groups by means of bone density.

The aim of the work is to study histomorphometric and histochemical properties of bone loss in patients with different bone density, who need treatment using the dental implants

Material and Methods
Patients were divided into 3 main clinical categories: "normal", "osteopenia" and "osteoporosis", based on bone density, which was determined by using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Cytological studies were carried out in 83 patients, among which normal bone mass was observed in 28 patients (17 women and 11 men), osteopenia in 26 patients (17 women and 9 men), osteoporosis in 29 (19 women and 10 men) patients. Histological examination of bone biopsies were performed in 76 patients, among which normal bone mass was observed in 22 (16 women and 6 men , osteopenia in 26 patients (17 women and 9 men), osteoporosis in 28 (19 women and 9 men) patients. The materials for the microscopic studies was biopsy samples of gingiva in direct contact with the implant at a distance of 2.0-5.0 mm from the contact and the bone fragments obtained from drilling the implant bed zone

Bone remodeling intensity (in scores) around the implants was significantly lower (p <0,05) in patients with osteoporosis 1,6±0,09 comparing with patients with normal bone mass of 2,4±0,14. Histomorphometric analysis of the intensity of the restoration of the cortical plate with normal bone mass was 2,1±0,11, with osteopenia was 1,8±0,10 , with osteoporosis was 1,0±0,09 ***. The intensity of the restoration of the cortical bone plate (in scores) was significantly lower (p <0,05) in patients with osteoporosis 1,0±0,09 compared to patients with normal bone mass in 2,1 ± 0,11.

Conclusions and clinical implications
Despite the limitations of the study it can be concluded that the activity of bone remodeling in patients with various bone density is also different. The results of our investigation may serve as a basis for comprehensive morphohistochemical, pathogenetically substantiated correction of regeneration, trophic and functional condition of zone directly surrounding the implant. Further investigations is needed in this area

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