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Guided bone regeneration (GBR) is a bone augmentation technique with a barrier membrane to create a secluded space for unimpeded bone formation. In a previous report, a wet polysaccharide nanogel cross-linked (NanoClik) membrane hydrogel was very effective as a GBR membrane. However, the drawbacks of this material were the limited shelf life and difficulty in clinical handling.

The present study aimed to compare the biological outcome of a novel dry polysaccharide NanoClik membranes with a cross-linked wet polysaccharide nanogel (NanoClik) membrane and with a collagen membrane, which serves as positive control.

Material and Methods
Sixteen adult Wistar rats (16 weeks old) were used, and bilateral, symmetrical, full-thickness parietal bone defects of 5 mm in diameter were created with a bone trephine bur. Each defect was covered with either a dry NanoClik membrane, a wet NanoClik membrane, a collagen membrane or left empty (sham site). The animals were sacrificed at 4 weeks and evaluated radiologically with micro-CT and histologically.

The bone volume in the bone defect was significantly higher in both NanoClik membrane groups compared to the ones in collagen group and sham site. Difference was not observed between the NanoClik membrane groups. The newly formed bone in both NanoClik groups were uniform and histologically indistinguishable from the original bone, whereas in the collagen group, the new bone showed an irregular and morphologically different structure from the original bone. The amounts of newly formed bone was lowest in the sham site.

Conclusions and clinical implications
The dry NanoClik membrane stimulated bone regeneration to the same level as the wet membrane.

Guided bone regeneration (GBR) is a bone augmentation technique with a barrier membrane to create a secluded space for unimpeded bone formation. In a previous report, a wet polysaccharide nanogel cross-linked (NanoClik) membrane hydrogel was very effective as a GBR membrane. However, the drawbacks of this material were the limited shelf life and difficulty in clinical handling.

The present study aimed to compare the biological outcome of a novel dry polysaccharide NanoClik membranes with a cross-linked wet polysaccharide nanogel (NanoClik) membrane and with a collagen membrane, which serves as positive control.

Material and Methods
Sixteen adult Wistar rats (16 weeks old) were used, and bilateral, symmetrical, full-thickness parietal bone defects of 5 mm in diameter were created with a bone trephine bur. Each defect was covered with either a dry NanoClik membrane, a wet NanoClik membrane, a collagen membrane or left empty (sham site). The animals were sacrificed at 4 weeks and evaluated radiologically with micro-CT and histologically.

The bone volume in the bone defect was significantly higher in both NanoClik membrane groups compared to the ones in collagen group and sham site. Difference was not observed between the NanoClik membrane groups. The newly formed bone in both NanoClik groups were uniform and histologically indistinguishable from the original bone, whereas in the collagen group, the new bone showed an irregular and morphologically different structure from the original bone. The amounts of newly formed bone was lowest in the sham site.

Conclusions and clinical implications
The dry NanoClik membrane stimulated bone regeneration to the same level as the wet membrane.

Cross-linked and dried polysaccharide nanogel membrane for guided bone regeneration (GBR)
EAO Library. MIYAHARA T. 09/29/2016; 164538; PBR221
Discussion Forum (0)

Guided bone regeneration (GBR) is a bone augmentation technique with a barrier membrane to create a secluded space for unimpeded bone formation. In a previous report, a wet polysaccharide nanogel cross-linked (NanoClik) membrane hydrogel was very effective as a GBR membrane. However, the drawbacks of this material were the limited shelf life and difficulty in clinical handling.

The present study aimed to compare the biological outcome of a novel dry polysaccharide NanoClik membranes with a cross-linked wet polysaccharide nanogel (NanoClik) membrane and with a collagen membrane, which serves as positive control.

Material and Methods
Sixteen adult Wistar rats (16 weeks old) were used, and bilateral, symmetrical, full-thickness parietal bone defects of 5 mm in diameter were created with a bone trephine bur. Each defect was covered with either a dry NanoClik membrane, a wet NanoClik membrane, a collagen membrane or left empty (sham site). The animals were sacrificed at 4 weeks and evaluated radiologically with micro-CT and histologically.

The bone volume in the bone defect was significantly higher in both NanoClik membrane groups compared to the ones in collagen group and sham site. Difference was not observed between the NanoClik membrane groups. The newly formed bone in both NanoClik groups were uniform and histologically indistinguishable from the original bone, whereas in the collagen group, the new bone showed an irregular and morphologically different structure from the original bone. The amounts of newly formed bone was lowest in the sham site.

Conclusions and clinical implications
The dry NanoClik membrane stimulated bone regeneration to the same level as the wet membrane.

Guided bone regeneration (GBR) is a bone augmentation technique with a barrier membrane to create a secluded space for unimpeded bone formation. In a previous report, a wet polysaccharide nanogel cross-linked (NanoClik) membrane hydrogel was very effective as a GBR membrane. However, the drawbacks of this material were the limited shelf life and difficulty in clinical handling.

The present study aimed to compare the biological outcome of a novel dry polysaccharide NanoClik membranes with a cross-linked wet polysaccharide nanogel (NanoClik) membrane and with a collagen membrane, which serves as positive control.

Material and Methods
Sixteen adult Wistar rats (16 weeks old) were used, and bilateral, symmetrical, full-thickness parietal bone defects of 5 mm in diameter were created with a bone trephine bur. Each defect was covered with either a dry NanoClik membrane, a wet NanoClik membrane, a collagen membrane or left empty (sham site). The animals were sacrificed at 4 weeks and evaluated radiologically with micro-CT and histologically.

The bone volume in the bone defect was significantly higher in both NanoClik membrane groups compared to the ones in collagen group and sham site. Difference was not observed between the NanoClik membrane groups. The newly formed bone in both NanoClik groups were uniform and histologically indistinguishable from the original bone, whereas in the collagen group, the new bone showed an irregular and morphologically different structure from the original bone. The amounts of newly formed bone was lowest in the sham site.

Conclusions and clinical implications
The dry NanoClik membrane stimulated bone regeneration to the same level as the wet membrane.

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