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one of the main concerns in the treatment of edentulous mandible with full dentures is Progressive bone resorption. Full dentures are not enough for the restoration of oral function, both in terms of chewing efficiency and masticatory forces. Nowadays implant supported overdentures proposed a valuable alternative for edentulous patients.

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of immediate loading on mandibular overdenture treatment, clinically and radiographically.

Material and Methods
in a randomized controlled trial on 10 edentulous patient with a total of 20 implants( Implantium, Dentium, South Korea) were inserted in interforaminal area of the lower jaw symphisis. ball attachments, attached immediately. pain, mobility, Bleeding on probing, pocket depth, crestal bone resorption were the recorded variables

during the first 3 month, 7 implants in 5 patients were lost and were removed. the pain status was 14% painless , 67% mild pain, 19% severe and Bleeding on probing was 29% without bleeding, 21% mild bleeding, 40% moderate bleeding, 9% severe bleeding and implants mobility test showed 67% immobile, 33% mobile(21% mild mobility, 5% moderate mobility, 7% severe mobility).

Conclusions and clinical implications
Based on the results, it seems that the use of this kind of dental implants for immediate loading is not a proper treatment..

one of the main concerns in the treatment of edentulous mandible with full dentures is Progressive bone resorption. Full dentures are not enough for the restoration of oral function, both in terms of chewing efficiency and masticatory forces. Nowadays implant supported overdentures proposed a valuable alternative for edentulous patients.

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of immediate loading on mandibular overdenture treatment, clinically and radiographically.

Material and Methods
in a randomized controlled trial on 10 edentulous patient with a total of 20 implants( Implantium, Dentium, South Korea) were inserted in interforaminal area of the lower jaw symphisis. ball attachments, attached immediately. pain, mobility, Bleeding on probing, pocket depth, crestal bone resorption were the recorded variables

during the first 3 month, 7 implants in 5 patients were lost and were removed. the pain status was 14% painless , 67% mild pain, 19% severe and Bleeding on probing was 29% without bleeding, 21% mild bleeding, 40% moderate bleeding, 9% severe bleeding and implants mobility test showed 67% immobile, 33% mobile(21% mild mobility, 5% moderate mobility, 7% severe mobility).

Conclusions and clinical implications
Based on the results, it seems that the use of this kind of dental implants for immediate loading is not a proper treatment..

clinical and radiographic effect of immediate loading on mandibular implant supported overdentures
Mohammmad Taghi Baghani
Mohammmad Taghi Baghani
EAO Library. Baghani M. 09/29/2016; 164749; PPR500
Mohammmad Taghi Baghani
Discussion Forum (0)

one of the main concerns in the treatment of edentulous mandible with full dentures is Progressive bone resorption. Full dentures are not enough for the restoration of oral function, both in terms of chewing efficiency and masticatory forces. Nowadays implant supported overdentures proposed a valuable alternative for edentulous patients.

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of immediate loading on mandibular overdenture treatment, clinically and radiographically.

Material and Methods
in a randomized controlled trial on 10 edentulous patient with a total of 20 implants( Implantium, Dentium, South Korea) were inserted in interforaminal area of the lower jaw symphisis. ball attachments, attached immediately. pain, mobility, Bleeding on probing, pocket depth, crestal bone resorption were the recorded variables

during the first 3 month, 7 implants in 5 patients were lost and were removed. the pain status was 14% painless , 67% mild pain, 19% severe and Bleeding on probing was 29% without bleeding, 21% mild bleeding, 40% moderate bleeding, 9% severe bleeding and implants mobility test showed 67% immobile, 33% mobile(21% mild mobility, 5% moderate mobility, 7% severe mobility).

Conclusions and clinical implications
Based on the results, it seems that the use of this kind of dental implants for immediate loading is not a proper treatment..

one of the main concerns in the treatment of edentulous mandible with full dentures is Progressive bone resorption. Full dentures are not enough for the restoration of oral function, both in terms of chewing efficiency and masticatory forces. Nowadays implant supported overdentures proposed a valuable alternative for edentulous patients.

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of immediate loading on mandibular overdenture treatment, clinically and radiographically.

Material and Methods
in a randomized controlled trial on 10 edentulous patient with a total of 20 implants( Implantium, Dentium, South Korea) were inserted in interforaminal area of the lower jaw symphisis. ball attachments, attached immediately. pain, mobility, Bleeding on probing, pocket depth, crestal bone resorption were the recorded variables

during the first 3 month, 7 implants in 5 patients were lost and were removed. the pain status was 14% painless , 67% mild pain, 19% severe and Bleeding on probing was 29% without bleeding, 21% mild bleeding, 40% moderate bleeding, 9% severe bleeding and implants mobility test showed 67% immobile, 33% mobile(21% mild mobility, 5% moderate mobility, 7% severe mobility).

Conclusions and clinical implications
Based on the results, it seems that the use of this kind of dental implants for immediate loading is not a proper treatment..

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