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Although the long term survival rate of dental implants was reported recently to be high, several cross-sectional studies have been indicated that peri-implant diseases were observed frequently.


The aim of this study was to identify possible risk factors for peri-implant diseases in Turkish adult dental patients attending a follow up visit as part of their maintenance program.


This cross-sectional study enrolled 85 patients with 316 dental implants who were referred to the Department of Periodontics, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey, for periodontal and dental implant evaluation during the period from January 2016 through February 2017. Factors related to patient’s systemic conditions (diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, smoking habits, alcoholism, gastrointestinal disease, thyroid diseases, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, osteoporosis, autoimmune disease, active periodontal disease, history of periodontal disease and bruxism), implant characteristics (type of implant, length, diameter, location), surgery-related features (one or second stage surgery, augmentation techniques), periodontal clinical parameters (plaque index, bleeding on probing, probing depth, keratinized mucosa weight and thickness, mucosal recession), prosthetic features (type of suprastructure), and aesthetic parameters (the pink and white esthetic score) were analyzed.


The prevalence of peri-implant mucositis was 45.6% of the implants, while peri-implantitis was observed in 35.8% of the implants. Peri-implantitis was associated with smoking, history of periodontitis, poor oral hygiene, peri-implant keratinized mucosa thickness and bruxism.


History of peri-implantitis is strongly related to occurrence of peri-implant diseases. The adherence of a periodontal maintenance program is important in preserving peri-implant tissue health.


Although the long term survival rate of dental implants was reported recently to be high, several cross-sectional studies have been indicated that peri-implant diseases were observed frequently.


The aim of this study was to identify possible risk factors for peri-implant diseases in Turkish adult dental patients attending a follow up visit as part of their maintenance program.


This cross-sectional study enrolled 85 patients with 316 dental implants who were referred to the Department of Periodontics, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey, for periodontal and dental implant evaluation during the period from January 2016 through February 2017. Factors related to patient’s systemic conditions (diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, smoking habits, alcoholism, gastrointestinal disease, thyroid diseases, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, osteoporosis, autoimmune disease, active periodontal disease, history of periodontal disease and bruxism), implant characteristics (type of implant, length, diameter, location), surgery-related features (one or second stage surgery, augmentation techniques), periodontal clinical parameters (plaque index, bleeding on probing, probing depth, keratinized mucosa weight and thickness, mucosal recession), prosthetic features (type of suprastructure), and aesthetic parameters (the pink and white esthetic score) were analyzed.


The prevalence of peri-implant mucositis was 45.6% of the implants, while peri-implantitis was observed in 35.8% of the implants. Peri-implantitis was associated with smoking, history of periodontitis, poor oral hygiene, peri-implant keratinized mucosa thickness and bruxism.


History of peri-implantitis is strongly related to occurrence of peri-implant diseases. The adherence of a periodontal maintenance program is important in preserving peri-implant tissue health.

Prevalence and possible risk factors for peri-implant disease in Turkish adults
Ahu Uraz
Ahu Uraz
EAO Library. Uraz A. 10/07/2017; 198311; PB-42
Ahu Uraz
Discussion Forum (0)


Although the long term survival rate of dental implants was reported recently to be high, several cross-sectional studies have been indicated that peri-implant diseases were observed frequently.


The aim of this study was to identify possible risk factors for peri-implant diseases in Turkish adult dental patients attending a follow up visit as part of their maintenance program.


This cross-sectional study enrolled 85 patients with 316 dental implants who were referred to the Department of Periodontics, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey, for periodontal and dental implant evaluation during the period from January 2016 through February 2017. Factors related to patient’s systemic conditions (diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, smoking habits, alcoholism, gastrointestinal disease, thyroid diseases, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, osteoporosis, autoimmune disease, active periodontal disease, history of periodontal disease and bruxism), implant characteristics (type of implant, length, diameter, location), surgery-related features (one or second stage surgery, augmentation techniques), periodontal clinical parameters (plaque index, bleeding on probing, probing depth, keratinized mucosa weight and thickness, mucosal recession), prosthetic features (type of suprastructure), and aesthetic parameters (the pink and white esthetic score) were analyzed.


The prevalence of peri-implant mucositis was 45.6% of the implants, while peri-implantitis was observed in 35.8% of the implants. Peri-implantitis was associated with smoking, history of periodontitis, poor oral hygiene, peri-implant keratinized mucosa thickness and bruxism.


History of peri-implantitis is strongly related to occurrence of peri-implant diseases. The adherence of a periodontal maintenance program is important in preserving peri-implant tissue health.


Although the long term survival rate of dental implants was reported recently to be high, several cross-sectional studies have been indicated that peri-implant diseases were observed frequently.


The aim of this study was to identify possible risk factors for peri-implant diseases in Turkish adult dental patients attending a follow up visit as part of their maintenance program.


This cross-sectional study enrolled 85 patients with 316 dental implants who were referred to the Department of Periodontics, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey, for periodontal and dental implant evaluation during the period from January 2016 through February 2017. Factors related to patient’s systemic conditions (diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, smoking habits, alcoholism, gastrointestinal disease, thyroid diseases, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, osteoporosis, autoimmune disease, active periodontal disease, history of periodontal disease and bruxism), implant characteristics (type of implant, length, diameter, location), surgery-related features (one or second stage surgery, augmentation techniques), periodontal clinical parameters (plaque index, bleeding on probing, probing depth, keratinized mucosa weight and thickness, mucosal recession), prosthetic features (type of suprastructure), and aesthetic parameters (the pink and white esthetic score) were analyzed.


The prevalence of peri-implant mucositis was 45.6% of the implants, while peri-implantitis was observed in 35.8% of the implants. Peri-implantitis was associated with smoking, history of periodontitis, poor oral hygiene, peri-implant keratinized mucosa thickness and bruxism.


History of peri-implantitis is strongly related to occurrence of peri-implant diseases. The adherence of a periodontal maintenance program is important in preserving peri-implant tissue health.

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