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<div style='text-align: justify;'>In the eighties one could only start to place Nobel Biocare implants after a 2-3 day surgical training. During such course following aspects received special attention: patient selection (minimal jawbone dimensions, optimal oral health, hip grafts…..), healed extraction sockets before implant placement ( 6 months), implant planning on 2D radiographs, correct number of implants/jaw, strong sterility conditions (complete nose coverage, double aspiration, pediculated oral flap, ….), a-traumatic surgery (low-speed drilling/implant placement, excessive water cooling, ….), submerged healing (3 or 6 months for lower/upper jaw, respectively), screw retained supra-structures, occlusion in resin. The protocol was strict and biocompatibility was crucial. Most implants at those days were minimally rough, primarily Grade 1 titanium, often with external hex without platform switch, 3.5 mm in diameter and 10 mm in length.This presentation will verify whether the most important modifications during the past 35 were beneficial from a biological point of view.</div>
<div style='text-align: justify;'>In the eighties one could only start to place Nobel Biocare implants after a 2-3 day surgical training. During such course following aspects received special attention: patient selection (minimal jawbone dimensions, optimal oral health, hip grafts…..), healed extraction sockets before implant placement ( 6 months), implant planning on 2D radiographs, correct number of implants/jaw, strong sterility conditions (complete nose coverage, double aspiration, pediculated oral flap, ….), a-traumatic surgery (low-speed drilling/implant placement, excessive water cooling, ….), submerged healing (3 or 6 months for lower/upper jaw, respectively), screw retained supra-structures, occlusion in resin. The protocol was strict and biocompatibility was crucial. Most implants at those days were minimally rough, primarily Grade 1 titanium, often with external hex without platform switch, 3.5 mm in diameter and 10 mm in length.This presentation will verify whether the most important modifications during the past 35 were beneficial from a biological point of view.</div>
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