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The copy abutment technique was described by Fuerhauser et al. in 2006. It is a concept to load immediate implants in view steps with abutment and crown. The emergence profile must be designed according to the anatomical form to provide support fo the soft tissue with the result of an esthetic outcome close to the natural tooth. Studies show that the frequent disconnection of the abutment from the implant leads to a significantly periimplantary bone loss. ****The aim of this study was to evaluate if early abutment change results in less marginal bone loss, improved soft tissue preservation and therefore more patient satisfaction. **26 patients were treated with a single immediate implanting the esthetic zone (13-23). The implant position was planned preoperatively. Flawless surgery was performed and all implants were immediately non-functionally loaded with a provisional abutment and crown. **After surgery the patient collective was randomly separated into two groups. The first group received the definitive zirconoxid abutment 4 days and the other group 3 months after implant placement. In both groups definitive crowns were installed approximately 3 months after operation. The soft tissue aesthetics were assessed by the Pink Esthetic Score (Furhauser, Florescu et al. 2005). The bone level was measured by use of DVT and intramural x-rays. Patient satisfaction was assessed by the Oral Health Impact Profile score (OHIP). **This study concludes the 6 months follow up. **In comparison of the two groups there was no significant difference concerning the PES, bone level and OHIP. The average PES in the early group was 11.62 (±1.3), in the late group 10.3 (±3.02).**The bone level in the first group was -0.38mm (±0.89), in the second -0.12 (±1.01). The OHIP was specified in the early group with 0.36 (±1.21), in the late group 0 (±0).In this study the timing of the abutment change does not seem to make a difference. Nevertheless further Lon time studies with larger study populations are needed to confirm these findings. _x000C_
The copy abutment technique was described by Fuerhauser et al. in 2006. It is a concept to load immediate implants in view steps with abutment and crown. The emergence profile must be designed according to the anatomical form to provide support fo the soft tissue with the result of an esthetic outcome close to the natural tooth. Studies show that the frequent disconnection of the abutment from the implant leads to a significantly periimplantary bone loss. ****The aim of this study was to evaluate if early abutment change results in less marginal bone loss, improved soft tissue preservation and therefore more patient satisfaction. **26 patients were treated with a single immediate implanting the esthetic zone (13-23). The implant position was planned preoperatively. Flawless surgery was performed and all implants were immediately non-functionally loaded with a provisional abutment and crown. **After surgery the patient collective was randomly separated into two groups. The first group received the definitive zirconoxid abutment 4 days and the other group 3 months after implant placement. In both groups definitive crowns were installed approximately 3 months after operation. The soft tissue aesthetics were assessed by the Pink Esthetic Score (Furhauser, Florescu et al. 2005). The bone level was measured by use of DVT and intramural x-rays. Patient satisfaction was assessed by the Oral Health Impact Profile score (OHIP). **This study concludes the 6 months follow up. **In comparison of the two groups there was no significant difference concerning the PES, bone level and OHIP. The average PES in the early group was 11.62 (±1.3), in the late group 10.3 (±3.02).**The bone level in the first group was -0.38mm (±0.89), in the second -0.12 (±1.01). The OHIP was specified in the early group with 0.36 (±1.21), in the late group 0 (±0).In this study the timing of the abutment change does not seem to make a difference. Nevertheless further Lon time studies with larger study populations are needed to confirm these findings. _x000C_
Does the time of abutment change influence the treatment success of immediate implants in the anterior maxilla? A randomised clinical controlled trial.
Veronika Pohl
Veronika Pohl
EAO Library. Pohl V. 10/09/2018; 232507; P-BR-106
Veronika Pohl
Discussion Forum (0)
The copy abutment technique was described by Fuerhauser et al. in 2006. It is a concept to load immediate implants in view steps with abutment and crown. The emergence profile must be designed according to the anatomical form to provide support fo the soft tissue with the result of an esthetic outcome close to the natural tooth. Studies show that the frequent disconnection of the abutment from the implant leads to a significantly periimplantary bone loss. ****The aim of this study was to evaluate if early abutment change results in less marginal bone loss, improved soft tissue preservation and therefore more patient satisfaction. **26 patients were treated with a single immediate implanting the esthetic zone (13-23). The implant position was planned preoperatively. Flawless surgery was performed and all implants were immediately non-functionally loaded with a provisional abutment and crown. **After surgery the patient collective was randomly separated into two groups. The first group received the definitive zirconoxid abutment 4 days and the other group 3 months after implant placement. In both groups definitive crowns were installed approximately 3 months after operation. The soft tissue aesthetics were assessed by the Pink Esthetic Score (Furhauser, Florescu et al. 2005). The bone level was measured by use of DVT and intramural x-rays. Patient satisfaction was assessed by the Oral Health Impact Profile score (OHIP). **This study concludes the 6 months follow up. **In comparison of the two groups there was no significant difference concerning the PES, bone level and OHIP. The average PES in the early group was 11.62 (±1.3), in the late group 10.3 (±3.02).**The bone level in the first group was -0.38mm (±0.89), in the second -0.12 (±1.01). The OHIP was specified in the early group with 0.36 (±1.21), in the late group 0 (±0).In this study the timing of the abutment change does not seem to make a difference. Nevertheless further Lon time studies with larger study populations are needed to confirm these findings. _x000C_
The copy abutment technique was described by Fuerhauser et al. in 2006. It is a concept to load immediate implants in view steps with abutment and crown. The emergence profile must be designed according to the anatomical form to provide support fo the soft tissue with the result of an esthetic outcome close to the natural tooth. Studies show that the frequent disconnection of the abutment from the implant leads to a significantly periimplantary bone loss. ****The aim of this study was to evaluate if early abutment change results in less marginal bone loss, improved soft tissue preservation and therefore more patient satisfaction. **26 patients were treated with a single immediate implanting the esthetic zone (13-23). The implant position was planned preoperatively. Flawless surgery was performed and all implants were immediately non-functionally loaded with a provisional abutment and crown. **After surgery the patient collective was randomly separated into two groups. The first group received the definitive zirconoxid abutment 4 days and the other group 3 months after implant placement. In both groups definitive crowns were installed approximately 3 months after operation. The soft tissue aesthetics were assessed by the Pink Esthetic Score (Furhauser, Florescu et al. 2005). The bone level was measured by use of DVT and intramural x-rays. Patient satisfaction was assessed by the Oral Health Impact Profile score (OHIP). **This study concludes the 6 months follow up. **In comparison of the two groups there was no significant difference concerning the PES, bone level and OHIP. The average PES in the early group was 11.62 (±1.3), in the late group 10.3 (±3.02).**The bone level in the first group was -0.38mm (±0.89), in the second -0.12 (±1.01). The OHIP was specified in the early group with 0.36 (±1.21), in the late group 0 (±0).In this study the timing of the abutment change does not seem to make a difference. Nevertheless further Lon time studies with larger study populations are needed to confirm these findings. _x000C_

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