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There are many methods of augmentation for localized horizontal alveolar crest defects.The aim of this study is to obtain horizontal bone gain with tentpole method to facilitate dental implant placement without using intraoral block grafts.**A systemically healthy, 30-year-old woman is applied to our clinic with a chief complaint of loss of teeth in maxillary left posterior region. The alveolar crest was less than 4mm bone width as determined by preoperative examination and CT imaging studies. In this case, it was determined to perform implant therapy with grafting using combination tentpole technique and injectable platelet rich fibrin for horizontal defect at the same time. Crestal incision was made in the case with vertical releases. Aggressive tissue releases were performed before screw or graft placement to ensure tension free closure. After implant placement, titanium mini screws placed around the implant as approximately 5mm of them is exposed. i-PRF and allograft mixture was applied to space between periost and bone that obtained by tenting effects of mini screws. A resorbable membrane was placed over the grafted sites. Passive primary closure over the entire graft was obtained with interrupted 4 to 0 sutures.Significant hard tissue increase was observed radiologically after operation and evaluation of the grafted sites upon re-entry revealed uniform ridge anatomy. Functional loading of dental implant were completed after 4 months as osseointegration period.Implant was integrated without complications and successfully restorated prosthetically.****
There are many methods of augmentation for localized horizontal alveolar crest defects.The aim of this study is to obtain horizontal bone gain with tentpole method to facilitate dental implant placement without using intraoral block grafts.**A systemically healthy, 30-year-old woman is applied to our clinic with a chief complaint of loss of teeth in maxillary left posterior region. The alveolar crest was less than 4mm bone width as determined by preoperative examination and CT imaging studies. In this case, it was determined to perform implant therapy with grafting using combination tentpole technique and injectable platelet rich fibrin for horizontal defect at the same time. Crestal incision was made in the case with vertical releases. Aggressive tissue releases were performed before screw or graft placement to ensure tension free closure. After implant placement, titanium mini screws placed around the implant as approximately 5mm of them is exposed. i-PRF and allograft mixture was applied to space between periost and bone that obtained by tenting effects of mini screws. A resorbable membrane was placed over the grafted sites. Passive primary closure over the entire graft was obtained with interrupted 4 to 0 sutures.Significant hard tissue increase was observed radiologically after operation and evaluation of the grafted sites upon re-entry revealed uniform ridge anatomy. Functional loading of dental implant were completed after 4 months as osseointegration period.Implant was integrated without complications and successfully restorated prosthetically.****
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